Thursday, April 23, 2015

Smudging with Sage

Sage is an herb that is been used for centuries for food and cleansing, it comes in different shapes but for cleansing purposes the most popular is as a smudge stick. This is used to remove negativity in the home, also used in homes when they're supposed to be "haunted", it helps removing all kinds of bad entities.
It can be used in a home where there are constant arguments and fights , after an argument, light some Sage and things will calm down.
To begin smudging, open all windows and doors of the house , light the Sage stick until it catches fire, blow it out and you can see smoke coming out, with that smoke you are going to do the cleansing or smudging in this case. You have to light it as you light incense, same way.
Say a prayer for cleansing, anything you want to say, for example: I bless this home from all negative vibes and bad energy , I bless all the people who live in this home, you can say the names if you want, go from room to room, walk the entire house smudging, visualize the smoke removing all the negative from each room, picture your problems going away, all the bad stuff. See yourself happy.
Basically this is a simple cleansing, you can do it every day depending on the situation or just twice a week, Tuesdays and Fridays, those are important days for cleansing. I have added pictures of Sage Smudge Sticks.

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