Saturday, May 23, 2015

Hematite Healing Spell

Hold a Hematite stone, feel it's vibrations and channel healing energy into the stone.Chant:

Stone of Hematite
Stone so black
Give me the healing energy
That I lack
Stone of Hematite
Stone of Hematite
Heal me now
With the speed of light


Sunday, May 17, 2015

Calm the home environment spell

If your home has been disturbed by arguments and fights, you need to do something about it, you need to calm everybody down, especially those involved in the problem. I'm going to share this very effective spell that I have done myself once or twice but keep in mind that you need to concentrate and visualize the good energy when doing the spell, any spell and of course following the instructions properly.

This is what you need:

One orange candle
Two purple candles
One pink candle
One blue candle
Lavender oil
An oil burner


Light the two purple candles on a Wednesday and burn 3 drops of lavender oil in your oil burner while doing this meditate on your problems, the problems you are having at home or your family members problems whatever is stressing you.

Then light the blue, pink and orange candles, as you do this visualize peace, calm, tranquility and harmony being established between you and the people in that home.
Watch the flames burn (still concentrating) and say the following words:

"Disharmony be gone, bring peace to this home."

Meditate for about 10 minutes on the love and peace your home needs then snuff the candles. Repeat every night for a week.

Protection for the home spell

This is a very simple spell, you just need:

4 clear quartz crystal points


Leave the 4 crystals outside your home on the night of a full moon. Pick them up the next day, hold them tight in your hands and visualize protection for your home.
Place the crystals inside your house one at each of the 4 corners with the point facing toward the outside (toward the back or front yard) as you place each crystal say:

"With this crystal I protect my home from negative energies and bad entities."

Friday, May 15, 2015

Spell to bring abundance

You need:
Fresh basil, parsley and alfalfa, petals from a red rose or any red flower.


Add these herbs to a warm bath water and the petals of the flower, immerse yourself in the tub, visualize abundance, see it happening in your mind.
When you least expected, it will come to you.

Magic Coffee Art

Good Morning!
Blessed Be~~

Thursday, May 14, 2015

To break negativity

Place a half of cup of vinegar, a bunch of fresh rue and a tablespoon of salt in your bath.
Light a white and blue candle close to the bathtub. Imagine yourself as pure light with nothing entering on you but pure universal light.
Visualize negativity leaving every pore of your body, concentrate.

Note: Rue can cause dermatitis upon contact with skin, you may want to taste it first on your arm to see if you're not allergic or won't get irritation on your skin).

Money Bath Spell

This spell must be done during a New or Full Moon on Thursday night.

You need: Lemon Verbena oil or Green Apple oil and a green candle.

Pour either one of these oils into running bath water and bathe by the light of the green candle. As you close your eyes on your true desires on what you need as far as money is concerned, about prosperity in your life, when your thoughts are clear focus on the candle flame while whispering:

"Here and now my intention is set, new luck will be mine and all needs will be met, with harm to none and plenty for all."

~~ Blessed Be~~

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Seven Dimes Money Jar Spell

You need:

Paper, pen
7 dimes
glass jar, bay leaf


Write your need on the paper and put it in the jar. Take the 7 dimes and place them one by one in the jar as one drops say:

"Toward this wish the money grows by leaps and bounds, it overflows, coins that jingle, coins that shine come to me now, you are mine."

Write your name on the back of the bay leaf, put it in the jar where you can see it every day but is not visible to others, add a coin or two every day after you obtain the money you need, remove the paper and bury it outside or in a potted plant.

This is a good spell, it helps if you need money urgently , let's say to pay a bill or something, do not think big, concentrate while doing the spell on the amount of money you need, for example $300, just think that amount , visualize it coming to you. When you obtain that amount of money, you can stop doing the spell. but do it every time you need money, do not abuse it though.

Chant for good luck and well being

Say the following chant:

" To the moon to the sun to the skies to the waters, please stars let your fire burn, winds let your strength grow, let us unite let us shine bright."

Bless your car

This is a simple but effective prayer to bless your car, walk around your car and examine everything breathing in and out and say these words:

"May the protection of the Lord and the Lady be in and about this vehicle that it may deliver us safe to our destination, so mote it be."

Repeat this every day before leaving your home, before getting into your car, I do it every single day, I even do it from my bedroom window while seeing the car parked there.

Heal all spell

This spell is to be performed when someone in your family is sick or you are not feeling well. Remember any health spell is just to help ease the situation and if you have faith it helps you in making it come true. Always see a doctor if you are sick, but you can also help yourself with this simple spell.

You need: A blue candle

Carve the person's name onto the candle (use a knife or scissors , any sharp instrument) if the spell is for you, use your name of course.

Light the candle and say the following incantation:

"Healing light shinning bright, let ( person's name)'s sickness flee in fright with harm to none including me, I cast this spell, so mote it be."

Do this every day , burn the candle for a little while, you could burn it for an hour and continue until the person is better.

Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Banish obstacles

When something is in the way of what you want, light a white candle while chanting:

" I let go of all hindrances fears and reversals and hereby receive to myself (list the problem here)."

Meditate in what you want while the candle burns down.

You can use any type or size candle but it has to be white , but I prefer a small candle since is going to have to burn down on its own, you can use a tea light or small taper candles , those burn down quickly , much faster than pillar candles that's for sure.

Protection for the home

If you find yourself battling demons in your house, (not literally demons of course) this means negative forces or when you feel the house has bad vibes, if for example you have a visitor who is not a good person and wants to start trouble , you don't want that kind of people coming to your house, do this spell called " Demon Trap".

You need: A piece of plain white paper

Write the following incantation in a spiral manner that covers as much as the paper as possible.

" All negative spirits that cause disruption, disharmony or other negative situation in this house, be drawn into the trap, I command you to the return to your original domain".

Put the paper under a rug at each entrance to the inside of your home.

Do this once and leave it there for as long as is needed.

I have done it a couple times and it really works, all the negative people stopped coming to my house, especially one in particular, that person was negative and a troublemaker and I can't allow people like that in my home, so after doing this spell the person never set foot in my house again.

When you place the paper under the floor mat or rug , tape it , otherwise it won't stay there. And don't tell anybody what you're doing.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Parsley for good luck

Parsley is used for different things, one to bring money, abundance, to cleanse the home of bad energy and to bring peace to the home.

This spell is for all those things.
You need: Parsley

Gather freshly cut Parsley and place it in a pan of water, let it soak for 9 minutes , then sprinkle the water through the house while visualizing a calm environment , peace will be restored, this is a cleansing for a peaceful home.

There is another way, almost similar that I do all the time, I just put some Parsley in water and boil it for a few minutes, it could be 9 minutes , then let it cool down and sprinkle the water around the house, also I take a small bunch of Parsley and put in a glass of water on a dresser, preferably next to a mirror and I change it every 7 days, this is for good luck and to ward off negativity, some people mop the floors with Parsley water to cleanse the home, but I think is easier to just sprinkle the water around the house. Do it any way you want, whatever is easy for you.

Spell to protect and bring peace and harmony to the home

You need: A part of Lavender
                  A mortar

Preparation: Take a part of Lavender, blend it in a mortar. After is been blended , use a small amount and sprinkle across the doorstep.
Always concentrating and repeat the following incantation:

"This doorstep with its welcome ways be guarded of rays to guard this home by day and night, protect it with this door of white light.
Let nothing enter not of good and those within do as they would.
The aura left by herb and spell will safely seal this entrance well".

Do this spell to bring peace and harmony to your home, you should do it once or twice a week, not very often so you can give the spell a chance to work its magic.

Remember always visualize the intent of the spell, think positive and good luck!