An sharp instrument either a knife or scissors to carve the candle
Inscribe your name on the candle with the sharp instrument along with the words, money, wealth, riches and any other words you can think of that represent money. Carve these words along the sides of the candles (on both candles). Then light them, visualize your intention, if you want money, concentrate, visualize money coming to you, see yourself as a wealthy person.
While visualizing, say the following incantation:
" These candles will bring me wealth and riches , in no way will this spell cause me to suffer any adverse effects ".
When you finish, extinguish the flame with a candle snuffer or your fingers, begin this spell on Sunday, Thursday or Friday.
Re-light the candles every night until they are completely burned down.
You can repeat this spell again after the candles have been consumed , wait a few days and re-do it , if you do this constantly without abusing it, you will start seeing good results. Good luck!
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