Friday, June 19, 2015

White Light Meditation Technique Part II

Let the light now travel to the solar plexus area – where the will and determination reside. Make the light swirl faster in a clockwise manner , cleaning every aspect of our will and intellect. Feel the warmth and the swirling motion. Cleanse and recharge. Then it goes down to the area below the navel, cleansing the center of our creativity and sensuality. Sweep away all the cobwebs and stagnation inside by allowing the light to swirl and swoosh. Cleanse and recharge.
From that area, let the light travel down to the base of the spine. It is very important to cleanse this area well because this is the seat of emotions and materiality. Cleanse well. Feel recharged.
From the base of the spine, let the light travel down fast to our thighs, then to our legs and out through the soles of our feet. Ground yourself with the earth. Feel the raw energy, release the light.

From grounding, you will now let the light enter again through the soles of your feet, up to the legs, up to your thighs and buttocks, go up to the base of your spine. In a straight line, the light will pass through the area below the navel, up to the solar plexus, go up to the heart, then through the throat, up behind the eyes and finally up to the head. You had just aligned the 7 chakras or energy centers of your body.
 Now let the bluish white light erupt like a volcano through the top of your head. Let it all out, spewing pure energy and the Divine Presence. We will now start cleansing the outer aura. Let that light swirl in a clockwise manner around the head area. Let it swirl and cleanse for a moment.
Then let the light descend to the shoulder area. Feel it cleansed and recharged. From this point the bluish white light must go down further until it envelopes our being. We will appear to be enveloped in white light – similar to an inverted egg shell.

Upon completion, say these aloud or mentally: I am a positive human being full of energy and love. I welcome prosperity. I embrace harmony in my life. I attract the good to come in. I am protected by God’s loving embrace! SO BE IT!…..
Open your eyes and feel refreshed and positive.

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